We love seeing weddings during set up. The coronavirus restrictions of July – October 2020 haven’t changed this. In fact, seeing an incredible 30 guest wedding is more exciting than ever.
Because we usually deliver before the event we hardly ever see the actual big day itself. With over 10 years experience in events, we know a good party is going to take place just by looking at the set up.
Insights from two 30 guest weddings we did this year:
Ellie’s Wedding:
Realising that four fridges in her house just weren’t going to hold 60 bottles of Bidden Vineyard English Sparking Wine, starters for a 30 guest wedding and a Sunday brunch… One of my event friends got in touch just one week before her wedding to ask if we could supply a walk-in fridge trailer.
A 9x9m clear roof marquee from Emerald Marquees, hops from the beams and festoon lighting all round. It’s fair to say that Ellie Harper (Nee Pierce-Thomas) has the dream wedding she always wanted.
However, Ellie’s hangover when we arrive to collect tells us there isn’t going to be any alcohol left in the back of the fridge trailer.
During Ellie’s wedding, Jackie was mentally preparing for her wedding the next week. Seeing her set up the marquee venue and using the fridge for flowers, drinks and food made Jackie think. The next day GBE received a last minute call to deliver a refrigerated trailer to Jackie’s venue later that week.
With the Mitsubishi L200 hitched up to a shiny and spotless chiller trailer, off we went to Edenbridge, Kent.
Jackie’s beaming smile is the first thing we see when we drive into the stunning grounds with views of the rolling hills of Kent. The marquee is laced with white draped ceilings, rustic hanging ladders, long tables and benches for thirty guests. Within 20 minutes, our chiller trailer is ready to be filled.

Emerald Marquees | www.emeraldmarquees.co.uk | Insta: @emeraldmarquees
Biddenden VIneyard | www.biddendenvineyards.com | Insta: @biddendenvineyard
Ellie Harper | Insta: @ellie.p.thomas
Ben WIggleworth Photography | www.benwigglesworth.com | @benwigglerweddings
Mitsubishi Motors | www.mitsubishi-motors.co.uk | Insta: @mitsubishimotorsuk